calcium supplements

Is It Fine to Take Calcium Supplements Every Day

Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and overall health. While a balanced diet is the primary source of calcium, calcium supplements can be an option when dietary intake falls short.

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of calcium supplements, calcium requirements, and considerations specific to calcium supplements in Malaysia, including seaweed calcium supplements.


The Benefits of Calcium

Calcium plays a crucial role in building and maintaining strong bones. It’s not just your bones that benefit; your heart, muscles, and nerves also rely on calcium to function properly. 

Some studies even suggest that calcium, in combination with vitamin D, may offer additional health benefits, potentially protecting against conditions like cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. 


The Risks of Too Little Calcium

Insufficient calcium intake can lead to various health issues, especially related to weakened bones. In children, inadequate calcium intake may result in not reaching their full potential adult height. For adults, low bone mass becomes a concern, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. 
It’s alarming that many people, including children, adolescents, and adults over 50, don’t meet their daily calcium needs.

Calcium Requirements

Your calcium requirements depend on your age and gender. Here are the recommended daily amounts:

For Men


19-50 years: 1,000 mg

51-70 years: 1,000 mg

71 and older: 1,200 mg


For Women


19-50 years: 1,000 mg

51 and older: 1,200 mg


It’s important to be aware of the upper limit for calcium intake. For adults aged 19 to 50, it’s 2,500 mg per day, while for those 51 and older, it’s 2,000 mg per day.

Calcium and Diet

Since your body doesn’t produce calcium on its own, you must obtain it through your diet. Calcium-rich foods include dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt, as well as dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and kale. 

Fish with edible soft bones, like sardines and canned salmon, also provide calcium. In addition to these natural sources, many foods and beverages, such as soy products, cereals, fruit juices, and milk substitutes, are calcium-fortified.

To ensure proper calcium absorption, your body also requires vitamin D. While a few foods contain small amounts of vitamin D, like canned salmon with bones and egg yolks, you can obtain it from fortified foods and sun exposure.


Calcium Supplements in Malaysia

In Malaysia, calcium supplements are readily available, catering to the diverse dietary needs of the population. One noteworthy option is seaweed calcium supplements. These supplements, derived from seaweed sources, offer an alternative to traditional calcium supplements. 

Seaweed calcium is considered a natural and sustainable choice, and it may be suitable for individuals who prefer plant-based or vegan diets.


Who Should Consider Calcium Supplements?

Certain circumstances may make it challenging to meet your calcium requirements through diet alone. Consider calcium supplements if you:
  • Consume high amounts of protein or sodium, which can lead to increased calcium excretion
  • Are undergoing long-term treatment with corticosteroids
  • Follow a vegan diet
  • Have lactose intolerance and limit dairy products
  • Have specific bowel or digestive conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease or celiac disease, which affect calcium absorption

Types of Calcium Supplements


Several calcium compounds are used in supplements, each containing varying amounts of elemental calcium. Common types include:

  • Calcium carbonate (40% elemental calcium)
  • Calcium citrate (21% elemental calcium)
  • Calcium lactate (13% elemental calcium)
  • Calcium gluconate (9% elemental calcium) 
The choice of calcium supplement depends on individual preferences and needs. Some supplements also combine calcium with other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D or magnesium.
AQUACORE | AQUAMIN Seaweed Calcium Supplement with Vit D & K

Choosing Calcium Supplements

When selecting calcium supplements, consider the following factors:

Supplement Form


Calcium supplements come in various forms, including tablets, capsules, chews, liquids, and powders. Choose a form that suits your preferences and needs.

Amount of Calcium

Elemental calcium is what your body absorbs for bone growth and other health benefits. Check the Supplement Facts label for the calcium content in one serving.


Calcium supplements are better absorbed when taken in small doses (500 mg or less) with meals. Calcium citrate is a suitable option for those with low stomach acid or absorption disorders.


Calcium supplements can sometimes cause side effects like gas, constipation, or bloating. It may be necessary to try different brands or types to find the most tolerable one.

Interactions with Medications

Calcium supplements can interact with various prescription medications. Consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist for guidance on potential interactions.

Calcium Dietary Sources and Exercise

For most individuals, especially women, focusing on dietary calcium sources and engaging in weight-bearing exercises is the best approach to maintain strong bones. 
Aim to consume calcium-rich foods like almonds, oranges, dried figs, soybeans, beans, low-fat dairy, and leafy green vegetables. Regular exercise, including walking, jogging, and weight training, also plays a crucial role in bone health.

In a Nutshell 

Calcium supplements can be beneficial in specific situations, but they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. 

In Malaysia, individuals have access to a variety of calcium supplements, including seaweed calcium supplements, which offer a natural and sustainable alternative to meet their calcium requirements. 

Lastly, remember that one of the best ways to maintain strong bones is through a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.